Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Birthday, Baby!

My biggest baby turned 9 years old today. Where has the time gone?

I took her to ToysR'Us this afternoon to spend the birthday money she got from her Grammy. I ended up spending another $40 on her birthday that I hadn't planned on spending. I hate that store. It gets me in the pocketbook every time.
I also let her open a small present this morning that I got her earlier and told her it was from her little sister.
Tomorrow, her father is staying home from work to take her to school. I think we are going to get her out of school early and go eat at Los Portales and then come back home for some cake, ice cream and a movie. She will like that. She doesn't know he's not going to work tomorrow, so she will be very surprised about him taking her to school. She loves when he does that.

I just can't believe she's 9 already. Time is just flying by. Makes me sad to see her getting so big so fast.

I love you baby girl! Happy Birthday!

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