Monday, November 12, 2007

Favorite Motivations

I don't remember where I got these. I've had them printed out and sitting on my desk for over a year now. I like looking at them every once in a while. They really pump me up. I hope they do the same for you.

Can't Never Did Anything.
The idea here is that you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to getting something done. If you say you can't do something, or think you can't, then very likely you won't. It's true--can't never did anything.

Another way I look at it is when someone else tells me I can't do something. That's pretty powerful motivation right there. While it's really good to have people have faith in you, it can really get you going when they don't.

Make Yourself.
In essence it's about not letting other people make you into something you don't want to be and taking responsibility for your own growth through life.

For me, it's often about taking responsibility for my own actions, my own life and getting things done myself. Oh, and hopefully doing them the right way. If you take responsibility for things, you can then influence them and hopefully get them right.

Acknowledge. Move On.
There are things in life you have little or no control over. With those things you acknowledge their existence, do what you can and move on with your life.

There's not much point in stressing over something that you can't influence or control.

No one ever excused his way to success.
I think most of us struggle with excuses. The truth is that if you're making excuses, you're probably not getting much done, and you might be making yourself look bad in the process.

Just Do It!
The way I see it, there are usually a million reasons not to do something. Most of them are bad.

Of course it depends on what you're doing. But in general, become a fan of living life and not watching it pass you by.

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