Thursday, June 28, 2007

Springfield Cardinals

Bubba and I went to our first Springfield Cardinals game last Thursday night. They played the Tulsa Drillers. It was an awesome game! I'm not a huge baseball fan so I really didn't think it would be nearly as exciting as it was. Watching baseball at the stadium is so much better than watching it on tv. The only thing that I didn't like was not being able to participate in the clapping songs they played every once in a while. Being a rookie to the whole stadium experience, as soon as I would finally get the rhythm down and start clapping, it was over. I did get the CHARGE! song down pretty well though.

Our friends Richard and Jennifer had extra tickets and gave them to us.
We sat in Section EE in the Ford Redbird Roost area, in seats 3 and 4. We had a perfect view and thankfully it was in the shade. We had all the free food and soda we could handle.

The ever-so-yummy Tim Tialdo during one of the 'in between innings" events. Unfortunately, I didn't get any closer to him than this to get a picture. Bubba frowned every time I would suggest going down to the lower level to get better pics of Tim. But later, as we were leaving, we saw Tim's girlfriend. And only then did Bubba say he thought it was a big mistake for not going to find Tim earlier to get pictures. She is a total knockout!

Ironically, I had to lean over in order to take the picture of this warning. Notice all the people down below. It's a long fall down.
Funny thing is, every time the girls with the whistles came out (I don't know if they are cheerleaders for the team or what), I kept complaining to Bubba about them not throwing or sling-shotting tshirts up into the higher levels. I was getting perturbed with those girls. I really wanted a tshirt and they were just ignoring all the people up in the higher levels. Later, I realized why. I don't think anyone really wants to take such a long drop down to a lower level after reaching out over the wall for a tshirt.
It might take me a while but eventually I will figure it out.

Louie is as Louie does.

The batteries on my digicam were getting low so it was taking a long time to recharge between shots and Louie took full advantage of that and made about 10 different poses for me while we waited. He was cracking me up! This is what I ended up with in the end.


The Cardinals won and most of the excitement came in the last inning.
We had such a great time! We are planning on going again at the end of next month. On July 31st, it's Republic Night at the stadium. And we are going again in August. Prime Source is hosting their yearly Customer Appreciation convention and a ballgame at Hammons Field is one of the perks of that convention. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I left you a note on my blog. Check out 8 things...
