Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Name 50 States in 10 Minutes

50 States in 10 Minutes

Can you name all 50 states without consulting a map?

I forgot 6. It's much harder than you think.
You have ten minutes from page load to type in all 50 states. Yes, spelling counts.

VIA Neatorama


  1. It said I forgot 7 but I really only forgot 6 cause I couldn't spell Massachusetts to save my life and I spent entirely too much time worrying about how to spell it!

    You forgot:Arizona, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire,
    Utah, Vermont,
    Remember to post your score in the comments!

    AND, I think you should allow anonymous comments cause nobody really wants to go through the hassle of signing up or signing in to their google account to post stuff. I usually stop right there, but since you're my sister.... I hope I even know what my google account password stuff is so here goes.

  2. FINE! Geesh! How hard is it to remember a password??
    For the time being, I am allowing anonymous comments. But if I start getting spam from those anonymous people, I will turn it off again. AFTER I come knock you on the head for bringing me to this point.
    We'll see how it goes.
