Friday, March 9, 2007

Chris Leslie - Hero

By now, I'm sure some of you have heard about Chris Leslie and his heroic act in saving a little girls life recently. I happened to catch video of the incident on the news several days ago.

Leslie, who has been a bus driver for City Utilities of Springfield for eight years, said it began like every other work day.

"I was driving east on Sunshine like any other day," he said. "It was 2:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, which for some reason are really busy days, and I heard the bell go off-it was a lady that rides a couple times a week."

Leslie, a 1987 graduate of Ozark High School, said he stopped the bus and opened the door while the mother of two worked her way to the front of the bus pushing a stroller, the 3-year-old girl taking the lead. Despite her mother's warnings-as well as Leslie's "wait for your mother"-the girl said "bye," stepped off the bus and began heading towards oncoming traffic.

"She went around the front and just kept on going," Leslie said. "Her mom was hollering at her to stop. I beeped my horn and at the same time was undoing my seat belt. I could just tell she wasn't going to stop."

Leslie then jumped off the bus and ran after the girl, picking her up just as the car in the other lane was working to come to a stop. Leslie said the girl was two to three feet into the lane.

"I didn't think about it. I just knew how busy that road is and a kid that age isn't going to look for traffic," he said.

Leslie gave the girl to her mother, whom he said "instantly grabbed her and was hugging her." He then had to take a few minutes to compose himself before getting back on the road.

I bet he thinks twice about just stopping and opening the door the next time a little child steps up into his bus.
Way to go, Chris!

1 comment:

  1. Just caught this story on trutv. WOW what an amazing person. GREAT JOB! Chris Leslie.
