Monday, February 5, 2007

Where I've lived.....

A friend sent an email the other night about all the places she's lived in her short 36 years on this planet.
She came up with 25 rooftops she's had over her head.

Angie wrote:
> ok, so it's 3:30 in the morning, and i have
> insomnia....again. here is what's on my mind. i have
> lived in many homes. check it out.
> 9 houses
> 2 duplexes
> 8 apartments
> 6 trailers
> a total of 25
> WHAT THE HELL!!! and may i add....i've been in the
> house i'm in for almost 10 years. so when I was 26
> years old....i had 24 different roofs over my head.
> 8 of those roofs my mother and father.
> 7 of those roofs was with only my mother.
> 7 roofs on my own.
> 3 roofs with Erik.
> please.....someone beat that!!

Well, I can't beat it but I can match it....almost...sorta....kinda....ok, not technically.....
You win, Angie!

1. Pre-birth - Mt. Vernon St. in Springfield
2. Broadway St. in Springfield when born
3. Moved to St. Louis for about a month
4. To Marionville MO
5. To Johnston St. in Springfield
6. To Jerome, MO.
7. To Newburg, MO.
(Strangely enough, I have never heard of Jerome or Newburg MO until Mom told me we lived there.)
8. Back to Nanny and Papa's house in Billings for short stay
9. To little house near ZZ and 14 just outside Clever
10. To Springfield again, Dollison St.
11. To little house on corner of Hwy 14 and Metzletein in Clever
12. To farmhouse on Zoller Road in Clever
13. To house behind school on K Hill Road in Clever
14. To Inman St. in Clever
15. I got married and moved to Walnut St. in Springfield
16. Moved to LaSiesta St. in Springfield
17. Divorced and moved to an apartment on Olive St. in Republic
18. Two story cottage house on Clark St. in Clever
19. House next to Kwik N EZ with Mom and Kenny in Clever (house no longer there)
20. Back to house on Inman in Clever
21. Got married again and moved to a farmhouse in Elkland
22. Sold house in Elkland and moved into Bubbas dads basement until we found a house
23. House on FR 129 in Springfield
24. Sold house and moved into basement again until found another house
25. House on Miller in Republic

Man...that's a lot of boxes!

I posted Angies email without her permission.....I hope you don't mind, Ang.

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