Sunday, February 4, 2007

Soup Swap

I can't even remember where I originally saw this but I do have the original blog link. It sounds like fun.

Soup Swap

What is a Soup Swap, you say?
Well, a Soup Swap is quite simple:

You bring six 1 quart containers of frozen soup of one kind. You will then draw numbers and take turns picking out different soup. You will then leave with six 1 quart containers of different soup. Bring whatever soup you like to cook best.

The instructions for arriving with your soup are clear - but a tip for you. Most soup recipes don’t make quite enough soup. Double the recipe when prepping for soup swap.

I'd have to fudge the number drawing in order to get at my mothers wonderful Potato Soup before anyone else. Or just announce that the host gets first pickin's or something like that.
There can be door prizes and taste tests. There are also accessories like crackers and napkins.

I have never made soup in my life so I have no idea what kind of soup I would bring to the party. I'm sure I would be expected to bring something with venison in it. But I can guarantee that the way I prepare venison, they would never know the difference.
I think I would love to try some sort of seafood soup. As long as it wasn't fishy smelling, I would probably like it.

Mom.....I am craving your Potato Soup now.......I need soup, please.


  1. Do let us know if you get a Soup Swap happening, as we'd love to get a picture, story or recipe up from you party.

    It is a swell time! And the potato soup..I want some too!

  2. Thanks for visiting, Knox! (Great name, by the way.)
    I probably won't have a soup swap any time this year since I am pushing for Spring to come as soon as possible :) but maybe we'll have one this next Fall. I'll be sure and let you know how it went.
