Friday, January 26, 2007

Attack of the bees

Bee Attack Story By Ron Hatch
Was having late lunch at the Zion Road when I witnessed an elderly woman being attacked by bees just outside the hawker centre. At first, I thought it was flies. The lady tried to fan off the bees with a towel and wanted to enter the hawker centre for shelter. Frightened hawkers and patrons shouted at her to run to somewhere less crowded. She stood there helplessly while the little insects stung and finding their way into her ears, nose and mouth. Some hawkers tried to help by fanning off the bees with burning newspaper. Another person from the coffee shop across the street splashed water on her. Finally, she ran across the street towards Great World City where someone had set up a little fire and smoke. After the ordeal, her face and limbs were full of bee-stings. The poor lady wanted to just walk away on her own to seek treatment from a nearby private clinic. The ambulance arrived just then and passersby advised her to seek treatment from the hospital.

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