Monday, December 4, 2006

Rules of the Taco by FoodMomiac

I LOVE, not like, LOVE homemade tacos!
FoodMomiac has some tasty tips and a great recipe for homemade taco seasoning that I just have to try. I already have all the ingredients to make it. I'll let you know how it turns out. Tacos anyone?

Rules of the Taco by FoodMomiac

"........tacos are an awesome meal for a busy family. Kids generally love them, and they take virtually no time to prepare. However, please follow my three taco rules before preparing them. You'll thank me, I promise.

- Use good shells. Of the major supermarket brands, I like Ortega. However, if you can find an alternate brand that is made without partially hydrogenated oil, that would be preferable.
- Have great toppings on hand. Avocado, sour cream (tonight we used plain yogurt), black olives, shredded cheese, etc.
- Finally, never, ever, ever use taco seasoning in a packet. Make your own - it's easy, I swear."

Taco Seasoning

2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 - 1 teaspoon salt (depending on how much you want it to taste like the commercial stuff)
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons dehydrated minced onion
freshly ground pepper to taste

To prepare tacos, brown one pound of ground beef over medium heat. Add seasoning mix and cook until fragrant (about two minutes). Add about three tablespoons of water. Cook for an additional minute or two.

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