Monday, December 11, 2006

3D Paper Snowflake

3D Paper Snowflake

WikiHow has an awesome tutorial on making 3D snowflakes out of paper. They're super easy and so pretty! Kasey and I tried our hand at making one last night and it turned out so neat, if I do say so. Ours is huge compared to the one in the pictures from the Wiki site but we used regular 8.5" x 11" copy paper. Because of that paper, it's also kind of flimsy but this was just a test and we're going to make more using a stiffer paper. We're also going to make smaller ones and ones from colored paper.

Instructions from wikihow are here. Let me know how yours turns out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, shuddup with your uselessness! teehee
    Just kidding!

    Seriously though, this only took me about 15-20 minutes to make. But now that I know what to do, I bet I can make them in almost half the time now. They are extremely easy to make once you see how easy it is to make the first one. They look complicated but are not in the least.
    Good luck! And welcome to my blog!
