Wednesday, September 6, 2006

101 Things To Do In 1,001 days

I started this list once back in May '06. But then I realized some of the things were duplicates and others were just stupid. Besides, I really wasn't ready to start anyway.
Ok...ok...I failed. But I can learn from that, right?
I will do it this time. Here I am....starting again with a revised list. I WILL NOT start over again. I either do it this time or forget it. Here that, self? No more chances. Do it this time or give it up. No more do-overs. It's not like it's that hard, I just need to get on the ball!'s the gist of it..........

The Mission:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1,001 days.

The Criteria:

Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1,001 Days?

Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1,001 days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal setting tips:

  1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
  2. Stay focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
  3. Welcome failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and make the success more worthy.
  4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
  5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at eh forefront of your thinking.

's 101 Things to Do In 1,001 Days

Started Thursday, November 9, 2006

To Be Completed By Thursday, August 6, 2009

1. Learn to knit.

2. Send a birthday card to all family & friends I know for one year. No e-cards. (Started in May 2006)

3. Buy/Acquire a new computer. (August 2006)

4. Reach 3 year anniversary of not smoking. (Quit in April of 2005 when I got pregnant)

5. Have a real family portrait taken.

6. Perform a random act of kindness on a Monday.

7. Perform a random act of kindness on a Tuesday.

8. Perform a random act of kindness on a Wednesday. (May 2006) (Gave a guy at the movie store a coupon for B1G1 movies.)

9. Perform a random act of kindness on a Thursday.

10. Perform a random act of kindness on a Friday.

11. Perform a random act of kindness on a Saturday.

12. Perform a random act of kindness on a Sunday.

13. Sign Kasey up for gymnastics. (November 2005)

14. Get rid of old computers.

15. Visit the Missouri Botanical Gardens.

16. Plan an entire date night for Bubba & me. (Go to Ernie Biggs)

17. Contact any old friends that I have been meaning to contact but never have.

18. Take a walk in the rain.

19. Take Kasey & Korey on a picnic lunch in the park at least once a month (weather permitting).

20. Purposely don’t turn on the TV for 48 hours.

21. Read an Oprah's Book Club book.

22. Read a fiction & non-fiction book on the Modern Library (Random House) Top 100 list.

23. Attend a city meeting of any type.

24. Attend a school board meeting.

25. Go fishing with Kevin, Rob & Chip.

26. Join a gym or start an exercise routine.

27. Start a vegetable garden.

28. Take at least one photograph a day for 30 days & make a collage.

29. Drink 5 bottles of water a day for two weeks.

30. Take a trip with Mom & Krissy.

31. Become a Red Cross Volunteer.

32. Acquire Hot Wheels sized UPS & FedEx trucks.

33. Buy/Obtain a palm pilot for paperless geocaching.

34. Frame picture Kevin gave me years ago.

35. Take Kasey to the Art Museum.

36. Sew something…anything…..with sewing machine.

37. Shoot a gar.

38. Stock the cellar for emergencies

39. See all AFI Top 100 movies & 200 “All-Time Highest Reviewed” movies.

40. Host a themed Bunco party.

41. Wear nothing black for 3 months.

42. Lose at least 30 pounds.

43. Do not yell at anyone for one week.

44. Say nothing but positive things for an entire 24 hours.

45. Go out with “the girls” or go somewhere without “my girls” at least once a month.

46. Take holiday cookies to both of my neighbors at Christmas time.

47. Reach geocaching goal of at least 250 geocaches found.

48. Get a professional pedicure and manicure.

49. Get a professional massage.

50. Make prototype “Household Book”.

51. Teach Brent & Kasey to play chess.

52. Visit the Arabia Steamboat Museum in Kansas City.

53. Become debt-free excluding our mortgage.

54. Have a Diva Night at home with homemade pizza, banana splits & makeovers.

55. Make my own Christmas cards & send them.

56. Learn to juggle.

57. Build a small fish pond on my porch out of a whiskey half barrel.

58. Get a new bike.

59. Balance rocks at least 4 high.

60. Play Power Ball & the Missouri Lottery every week for 3 months.

61. Take Nanny to Bingo.

62. Start or join a Missouri Stream Team.

63. Learn how to effectively use the digital camera & take the girls pictures.

64. Camp in a tent in the backyard with Kasey, complete with a fire for roasting marshmallows.

65. Fill up the car, drive until half-empty, take pictures & head back home.

66. Organize a family softball game.

67. Buy bins & start recycling our trash more effectively.

68. Visit at least one state I’ve never been to.

69. Get my wedding rings resized.

70. Go a whole month without drinking soda.

71. Don’t be late to anything for 6 months.

72. Try all the drinks I’ve never had: mint julep, mimosa, cosmopolitan, sex on the beach, mojito, etc.

73. Get health insurance for at least the girls if not me also.

74. Take Kasey to a dentist.

75. Take Kasey & Korey to the ocean & actually get to play in it.

76. Get a new king-size bed frame & box springs.

77. Write a fictional story.

78. Stop cursing. (That's going to be so damn hard!)

79. Get rid of all the clothes that I haven’t worn in a year or more.

80. Straighten Kasey’s keepsake box.

81. Obtain Korey a keepsake box.

82. Get cute moles on neck removed.

83. Hang family pictures.

84. Get my teeth cleaned.

85. Build savings account up to at least $500.

86. Unclutter house: sell, donate or throw away 101 items.

87. Make a key lime pie, document it & send the pictures & some lemons to someone else.

88. Make a hollow book.

89. Track everything we spend in a month in a journal.

90. Do some sort of work that brings extra income to the house.

91. Floss everyday for a month.

92. Spend a week without using the computer. Yikes!

93. Go to bed by 10PM every night for two weeks.

94. Bake a loaf of bread or a pie from scratch.

95. Send a message in a bottle.

96. Organize Kaseys baby book. Start on Koreys.

97. Get bifocals. Ugh.

98. Visit a health food mart. (wheat germ, flax seed)

99. Complete a 26Things Challenge.

100. Get properly fitted for a bra.

101. Make a new 101/1,001 list.

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